Saturday, July 12, 2008

Dear Ones,

My thoughts last night:
Using Multiple Intelligences (thank you, Anasatsia!), developed by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University, I tapped into my Spatial/Visual Intelligence last night to change my story:
Here was my story:
"Ohh, everyone stands at the local Dairy Queen waiting for their Summertime ice cream. It tastes so good. I want some, too! Maybe I should just go get some and forget this raw health stuff."
Now I picture myself belonging to a different club; the club of high health, unstoppable energy, clarity and focus; the club of abundant joy and confidence. I picture myself being really ME.
I visualize a dish with raw crunchy almond butter, goji berries, raw cacao (this is raw chocolate, without all the sugars, dairy, and fillers and with the high-end nutrients), agave for sweetener and mesquite powder for maple flavor. Yum I am eating it right now; I can picture how amazing I feel...and I am; right at this very moment! I step into my kitchen (for real) to make my luscious dessert. It is so good, I treat myself to two bowls!
I have transformed the story of who I am in relation to food, joy and being filled up emotionally into a whole new experience.
Peace & High-Health,

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Power of Love

Anodea Judith speaks the truth for a new paradigm. I encourage you to check out this 1 minute UTube by going to the site above.
I studied Somatic Therapy with Anodea; it was she who taught me how to help people move trauma through and out of their bodies, and to finally give our bodies a voice.
Now, Anodea speaks to the planet and to each of us in living our divine truth.

I encourage you to read: "Waking the Global Heart; Humanity's Rite of Passage From the Love of Power to the Power of Love."

That is what Alan and I are trying to do here, on our brand new blog; build a global consciousness.
Raw & Living food is a catalyst to this end. When we clear out the clutter of years of metabolic waste in our bodies, we are left with clarity, focus, energy and love. It is Now that we can go out and change the world.
Try it; just for a day....
Hope & Alan