Thin slices of semi-frozen Manna Carrot Raisin bread (in honor of one of my readers, who wrote in about trying it this way; thanks, Deborah, for this wonderful tip :) ...I think you'll like the defrosted version even more!) with just a little bit of olive oil
a couple of sips of blueberry elixir with frozen banana and blueberry, coconut water and water, psyllium seed powder, flax seeds, raw crunchy almond butter, agave, cacao nibs
32 ounces lemon water
raw cashews and dates
1 avocado mashed with dulse, Herbamare seasoning and cayenne
with carrot sticks and one celery stick
8 ounces water
Guess what I'm doing right after I finish T.H.E. Blog!???? I am going to sleep. That's right; no late night emails or Facebook; no late night phone calls to my male BFF in NYC or my close girlfriend in Sedona. Tonight I tuck into my white flannel sheets and let it all down. I breathe deeply and allow every muscle in my body to breathe with me. It's important for you to know that, especially when making food changes and introducing more raw foods into your daily menu, that our bodies will need extra sleep to allow for these transformations. It is also a huge component of detox; the need to honor the body's desire to sleep more. That being said, you might feel huge surges of energy as well, as the appropriate nutrients are now feeding your organs and blood with food. In both cases, your body is speaking to you. The more you honor it, the more it will respond with triple surges of energy. And, letting go of even the raw conversation, please just allow for sleep when you need it or want it! Do not deny it. A friend and colleague of mine was once giving a talk that I attended, and she said, "How many times do you have to go to the bathroom and actually deny that primary need and hold it in while you complete five other tasks????" She asked us to notice when we do not honor our body's voice. I could see everyone in the room got it. From that day forward, I smiled when I saw myself start to do this; now when I need to go to the bathrom, I do.
Eating, Sleeping and Eliminating are our primary needs (though I would say touch is as well). Please listen when they speak to you through the voice of your body.
Goodnight and Sleep Well :)
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Perfect topic for today. At about 6 pm I was wrestling with myself to stay awake...and knew I just wanted to close my eyes and take a nap-I listened, but I resisted for a bit before I gave in...and for no good reason! nap was deep, wonderful& restorative. When I woke up, I saw this blog posted...made me smile...wondering if the fullness of the moon has any bearing on energy/sleepiness...and of course dreamtime...
Yes, Julie, I think the full moon does have bearing; on both ends. This morning, I woke up and then went back to sleep for a couple of hours. Even when I got up, I still could have gone back to bed again. And now, I am still up at 2:00 AM writing my blog! I really appreciate your story and the scrumptous nap you allowed yourself to take! We want to always "give in" to restfulness...ahhh
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