Monday, May 3, 2010

Next Steps in Getting Healthier; Gentle Changes Go a Long Way

Food for Today:
Rockin' green smoothie with: water, 4 leaves of Red Chard, 2 large carrots, large handful of fresh mint and 1 apple

3 Raw energy chunks (cacao, date, seeds, spirulina, chlorella, oat, barley and wheat grass)

soaked sunflower seed pate with sundried tomatoes, fresh thyme, olive oil, nutritional yeast, Herbamare seasoning, cayenne, paprika, Bragg's Amino Acids with 1 1/2 carrots cut up

2 Emmy's Raw vanilla coconut macaroons (raw coconut, agave, coconut oil, vanilla and Himalayan sea salt)

salad with romaine, sprouts, daikon, mushrooms, 1/2 avocado and sunchoke! with dulse, nutritional yeast, olive oil and Herbamare

1 Emmy's vanilla coconut macaroon
3 rolled dates in coconut

16 ounces water

Gentle Changes Go a Long Way:
Choose one food/drink (coffee, chips) or food category (sugar, alchohol) that you know, if you let go of consuming, would be your next big step in getting healthier.
Now think how many times a day/week you consume that food.
If it's more than once a day, your Next Step is to decrease it to once a day. If it's five days a week, simply lower it to three.
Take some time and create a "Gentle Guide to My Health." Track all the foods that fall into this category; plot out how many times a day/week you eat or drink them.
Create a set of gradual goals to decrease the amount; chart out the dates as well.
For example:
Food: Chocolate chip cookies
Amount I Eat: 3 cookies 7 days a week
Week of May 10th: decrease to 2 cookies 5 days a week
Week of May 17th or May 24th: decrease to 1 cookie 3 days a week
Chart this out until you've arrived at the place you long to be.
Always be realistic, and don't take on a commitment you will not be able to fulfill; giving yourself daily success is vital to the process.
Please write in and share what foods you are starting to let go of and how it feels to be gentle with yourself...

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