Breakfast: after another hot and fabulous run
Synergy Kombucha Strawberry drink with probiotics, ernzymes, antioxidants, amino acids and polyphenols
Nuts Online Raw Sprouted Granola
Lunch: at The Stand, Norwalk, CT
Curried Collard Wrap with raw almond pate
Choco-Cherry smoothie with cacao, flax seeds, nutmilk, dried cherries and banana
Cantelope soup (see blog below for recipe)
Nick's Lovely Summer salad with mixed spring greens, veges and olives; some avocado with lemon-olive oil dressing
Irina's licious Chocolate Chia pudding
Late Night Alchemy Chocolate made by Stasia; aphrodisiac
Thursday's Food:
Breakfast: after a powerful 6 mile run
An amazing juice of Winter carrots and a bit of sweet potato and beet from Genesis Organic Biodynamic farm in Blairstown, NJ, Swiss Chard, Granny Smith apples and celery with Healthforce Nutritionals Superfoods: Earth, Vitamineral Green and Vanilla Spice Maca- this juice rocked, gave me high energy and filled me up for the whole day
Laughing Giraffe Organics Raw & Vegan Cranberry Orange Granola
Lori's Rawsagna - fantastic!!!!
Salad with radicchio, frisee and avocado with dulse, nutritional yeast, olive oil and sea salt
Lori's Key Lime Pie!!!!!
24 ounces water
Wednesday's Food:
1/2 cantelope; YUM! after a 6 mile run and sprint
Laughing Giraffe Organics Raw & Vegan Cranberry & Orange Cacao Granola
Grape Kombucha (probiotics, enzymes, amino acids, antioxidants, polyphenols)
Bowl of gazpacho with chopped up celery
guacamole with 1 avo, Ironbound Island dulse, Herbamare, lime, nutritional yeast, onion, sprouts; with Foods Alive Mexican Flax crackers
Salad with romaine, sprouts, garlic stuffed olives, walnut pieces and granny smith apple; with nutritional yeast and olive oil
Lori's raw chocolate ganache with pecan cacao crust and strawberry drizzle
32 ounces water
Raw can be so simple:
Last night I went over for dinner to the home of my dear friends, Irina and Nick. Due to my schedule, I did not have time, as I usually do, to prepare a dish in advance. So, I stopped at the market and picked up two ripe cantelopes, which have been so delicious lately. At my friends' house, I blended up 1 1/2 cantelopes with 1/2 small container of coconut water in their Vitamix, poured it into bowls, and we garnished it with fresh mint. It was beyond fabulous, and the color was lush and beautiful (picture to come soon). It could have been served in any restaurant; we all loved it.
So, keep it simple in Summer.
Just to let you know, I will not be blogging for this next week due to my counseling time commitments. I will be back blogging a week from today.
So, keep honoring your soul with all of your choices, and have a great week!
The Holistic Empire
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