Tuesday, April 10, 2012

5 Girls Juicing!

"5 Girls Juicing"

The Holistic Empire

It's been a few months since I've written. I took a Winter break to hibernate and enjoyed every minute of my introspective time. Now I'm excited to blog once again, and there's lots going on!
Yesterday gave birth to the start of "5 Girls Juicing," A Community Juice Feast, from April 9th to May 9th! If you click on the link for it (above) you can join (no cost) and be inspired to add some juicing into your life and have the support of over 100 people who are partcipating and growing our community of health. There you will find all of our posts, pictures and videos on our personal juicing experiences. Whether you juice every day or have no idea what a juicer even looks like, it's an opportunity to go a little greener this Spring and cleanse your body with daily support.
Below are my Facebook blog-posts from today.
If you click on The Holistic Empire page and "Like" it, you will also get to read and see of videos, of "Ask the Holistic Health Counselor," with health tools and tips to support your well being. You are welcome to write in there with a question or comment, or connect with others on either Facebook page.
Here's what I drank for the past 2 days:
April 9th Day 1:
1 quart Lacinato Kale, dandelion greens and celery juice with unrefined, unheated coconut oil, lemon and cayenne
1 quart Lacinato Kale, dandelion greens and celery juice with unrefined, unheated coconut oil, lemon and cayenne
1 quart red chard, bok choi, parsley, apple and carrot
1 quart grapefruit, navel orange and carrot
30 chlorella tabs
Total: 1 gallon

April 10th Day 2:
2 quarts celery, red leaf lettuce, cilantro, carrot, lemon, coconut oil and cayenne
1 quart strawberries and red chard
30 chlorella tabs
Total: 3/4 gallon

Part I:
Yesterday I drank a gallon of juice and had 2 pounds of leafy greens, celery and also fruits. My juice was 1 bunch Lacinato (dinosaur) kale, 1 large bunch dandelion greens, 1 large head of celery, 1 teaspoon coconut oil (...unrefined, unheated, organic) and some cayenne to move my blood. I went running at 5:30 AM and felt filled with energy. After drinking all my greens, which were 1/2 gallon, I had incredible focus, energy and clarity. I counseled and completed my taxes. I then went too long without drinking; 4 hours instead of 2, so I could really feel hunger, fatigue and a little spaciness, which picked right up when I drank my next quart, which was red chard, parsley, bok choi, apple and carrot. After my final quart of mostly fruit (I'm still playing to see how my body responds to different combos), which was a delicious, grapefruit, navel orange and carrot, I waited a while and then went to enema. While I have had many colonics and loved them, I really haven't utilized enemas. I already see the value just from one! I followed Irina's guidance to lay on the floor on my right side, so that the water would reach and flush my descending colon, then after all the water was in me, to move onto my back, draw my legs up to my chest and rock back and forth to swoosh the water around. When I finally eliminated everything, it was intense and went on for quite awhile. The thing is, I am normally super regular in my eliminations; meal in, meal out, as much as four or five times a day. So it came as a real surprise that it kept coming out, along with some abdominal pain, which I never experience anymore. Because I knew it was detox, I just trusted my body to move through it, and after awhile, it did. Interesting, I was left completely exhausted, feeling like I had been on a journey. This morning, I decided to sleep in a little. When I woke up to prepare my juices and for counseling, I was really wiped! I thought I would run after session, but I was exhausted and decided to juice and drink instead and let go of my run for the day. I made a half gallon of red leaf lettuce (1 large head), cilantro (1/2 bunch), celery (1 large head), carrot (1/2 large one), lemon (1/2), coconut oil (1 teaspoon) and cayenne (some shakes) and drank it all, while sitting on my porch and talking to a friend. As soon as I drank, energy started soaring, my whole energy system (chakras) opened up big time, and here I am about to go for my run! And I'm feeling a bit sexy in my lower chakras :) I'm still detoxing in my eliminations, but I feel great! All in the life of a juice feaster...
Part II:

Ok juice gods and goddesses, I am indebted to all those who have guided and inspired me with their wisdom, as I saw it come in handy today. Drinking my strawberries and chard juice while I write. When I went raw years ago, my inspiration was Dr. Fred Bisci, a brilliant man in the field of health. At the time, he wrote in his handout that when the body is no longer using its energy to focus on digestion, it has a lot more energy to now direct to the right places, such as the organ system and all the crisis places that need deep, root healing. When this happens, the energy can be pulled away from your muscles, tissues and joints to go deeper to the organs and blood. It is then that you can suddenly feel aches and fatigue in those outer parts of your body (much like you might feel when coming down with a cold, when the pathogen first hits the " Wei chi," as they say in Chinese Medicine, but now it is pulling away its energies from those outer parts). This is when you know you are really in detox! Guess what? I never experienced this when I went all raw, but today I did! My back and my leg muscles are achey and less mobile. I'm so excited....it means I'm on the right path, and look at how many levels and how deep the body will go to heal at the root. Even when you've spent years in health, the body still has places to go. My intention for tonight is that all those who are living on processed food make some small changes that show them the power of food to heal the body. Amen.


BeadZPassionista said...
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BeadZPassionista said...

You are so amazing. Thank you for being so inspiring.

HolisticGirl said...

Thank you Passionista!