Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Playing Hookie is Advisable

Tomorrow will be 60 degrees and sunny. I want to take a moment to send my prayers and energies to all people who have gone through hardship as a result of the storm on Saturday. I know some homes are still without power in Westchester County, Rockland County and Connecticut. Trees are still down all over. People are displaced from their homes. Individuals and stores lost their goods that were refrigerated or frozen. Cars and sections of homes were demolished. Two people died from falling trees. Let's send a prayer out to all concerned; May you be showered with golden light.

In Gratitude for My Food:
28 ounces lemon water

28 ounces Brazil nutmilk smoothie with:
soaked Brazil nuts
flax seeds
psyllium seeds
lucuma powder
almond butter

4 slices Manna carrot raisin bread with smear of almond butter

Large salad with Romaine, carrot, cuke, broccoli sprouts, sunflower seeds with avocado and dulse
dressing of olive oil, nutritional yeast, sea salt and nori shake

After Dinner:
bowl of Organic Nectars mint chocolate raw ice cream sprinkled with some pecans

12 ounces water

Tomorrow my friend Liz is coming over to play hookie with me and take a hike in the warmth of early Spring. Then we'll head over to the beach with lunch in hand.
Liz is a CPA and an Empowerment Coach and I am a Health Counselor.
I used to give myself a hard time about taking a day or half a day to play. What about this project or that upcoming workshop or starting this new thing on my list? Isn't it negligent to leave it all, take off and spread my wings? It is not; in fact, it is a vital component of our health. These times of play balance out our times when creative juices must flow to generate new creations in our livelihood.
"Listen...do you wanna know a secret...do you promise not to tell...?" It's not from the "doing" that we really create and soar to new heights in our "work". It's from our connection to nature; to our divine Source; to the soul spirit that lives within us and already knows it all; to the quiet space inside of us; to the passionate, playful being that we are.
Try this experiment: Go on a hike or to the beach; go to your most favorite place and hang out; take a run; do something that brings you immense joy.
Now, hold the intention that all the guidance for whatever "project" you are working on will just flow through you and you will receive it.
See what happens....
Let me know how it turns out.
With Blessings for the Beauty and Forces of Nature,


Unknown said...

I promise not to tell on your hookey playing (or is it hooky?). Keep up blissful energy of the empire.
Michael Sherman - www.courageouslovingnation.com

HolisticGirl said...

Michael, you're the Best! I know we'll be having a playing Hookie (?) day on the beach soon!