Monday, July 12, 2010

Am I feeling at ease today?

Today's Food:
2 black plums
32 ounces lemon water

Salad with romaine, aduki and lentil sprouts, carrot and daikon with dulse, nutritional yeast, olive oil and sea salt
herbed olives

28 ounces lemon water

Some beautiful Summer cherries
2 Balls of Laughing Giraffe Organics Vanilla Almond Gluten Free Snakaroons (Raw)

Today's Exercise:
5 mile run at the beach

Janine posted a great question on facebook in response to my blog, so I am sharing it with you:
"Great answers...I enjoyed reading. Do you EVER have a bad stomach day now that you eat Raw or has that put an end (for the most part) to indigestion for good?"

That's an excellent question. The only times I might have indigestion are if I have done poor food combining, eaten too much or eaten too late at night.... Each of those taxes our digestive system.

Are you feeling too stressed and run by the time clock of daily tasks?
I recommend starting your day with a glass of lemon water. When you hold this glass in your hand, allow it to be a guide for the smoothness of your ensuing day. Meditate on the water as you drink it, and it cleans out your liver.
Now think about this: How can I take each moment in my day, no matter what I am focusing on, and bring in that same release and relaxation? Let me try.
Food is merely a metaphor for our lives; try and digest each moment in this way.
Today I noticed how much my daily focuses created a constant underlying tightness in my body and a need to accomplish.
So, I took "opposite action." When I needed to finish something and felt that sense of urgency, I purposely got up and took a break to shift my energy with it. When I had to take notes, I purposely stopped taking notes and had some lunch. Later, I had much more energy and fluidity in my note taking. When I needed to wash dishes, I left them in the sink. Suddenly, my body was completely energized to wash the dishes.
I reminded myself that each and every moment of my day is my choosing in how I live it. Only I can shift that energy. I "played" with this concept all day, and at some point, I realized what was important; it wasn't what I thought. I suddenly understood that I could let go of this "push" and allow for my natural flow. From this place in my body, more got completed and it was a soulful unfolding of productivity from my higher self.
Trust; try it and see what happens.

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