Thursday, October 25, 2012

How to Shift the Genetic Code

Did you know that only five percent (5%) of how our physical and emotional health turns out is from genetics? The other ninety five percent (95%) is from environment; what we choose to feed our body, both nutritionally and emotionally. This taps into what I call, "Learning how to shift our cellular belief system, or 'cellular DNA'."
We are never too old to start giving our bodies new messages to reverse and recondition the old messages that were fed to us. A large part of what I do in counseling, whether guiding someone who is in an abusive or high-conflict relationship or working with a person with long-term eating disorder (my two areas of focus), is to have them create a new vision for their lives and their health.
Initially, when we are suffering and in emotional or physical pain, it is hard to perceive or believe this is possible. Shifting the glass from half empty to half full may seem like a stretch, but it only starts with a small step that is infinitely large.
"Change your thoughts to change your consciousness," the quantum physicists teach us. Dr. Masuro Emoto, who wrote, "Messages from Water," microscopically photographed water molecules both when "fed" negative, hateful verbal messages or loving, positive affirmations. These molecules shone whole, healthy and sparkling, like diamond crystals, when receiving the positive messages. They looked diseased and dark when fed negative human dialogue. Astounding, right? Not really, when you begin to understand molecules or atoms as energy, and energy as shiftable or mutable.
We are comprised of seventy eight percent water, and we, too, respond by either sparkling as our highest selves or shrinking into pain and suffering, depending upon the messages we feed ourselves. We want to continually feed ourselves messages that affirm our highest worth, and if that seems untenable to reach for, we can do it in small increments.
Here is a great technique that anyone can bring in to start the process of reconditioning their cellular DNA. Early morning, before you get out of bed and while you welcome in the start of a new day, is the most powerful time to begin this process. We have just come from our sleep state, where all the truths of our subconscious have been dancing in our dreams. Often, we wake up carrying dark messages without even knowing. Here are some cellular affirmations you can say out loud at this time:
I am worthy
I am filled with self-love
Everything I eat today digests perfectly in my body
I trust my food to love and nourish me
I am loveable
I am perfect exactly as I am
I love and trust my body
I have the most fabulous day
I stay clear and focused today
I move through my day easily
Notice that these statements are in the present; not the past or future. We say them as if they already exist. Even if you feel "fat and ugly," you can say, "I love and trust my body" as if you already do. When you wake up with shame, you can still say, "I am loveable," and picture yourself smiling with self-love. We literally shift our cellular belief system by being "in the activity" of speaking it as if it is already so.
We have the capacity to personally design and choose our lives in the way we sometimes only secretly desire and long for them to be. We have the opportunity to shed any old messages that were fed to us, no matter how abusive or harmful. Because we are energy, and energy is able to change, we can change, too; just by saying we are. I have seen extraordinary responses and results with clients from following this method. I encourage you to try it for yourself. Once we rise up to meet ourselves from this higher place, the universe rises up to meet us there as well; it's the law of quantum physics. And remember, it's not about perfection; it is all part of the process, so play with it and see what happens.

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