Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ok, so this is my first post in our brand new blog of ecstasy; June 25, 2008. Why today, given that I've thought about creating a blog for the past year?
I'd have to say it was all about RAW, and the most magical salad, and my neice, Nina, who is staying with me for the Summer. We were out on my porch overlooking the water, and were eating our salads filled with beautiful, organic vegetables and raw pistachio nuts and a raw dressing with Bragg's Amino Acids, olive oil, Umeboshi Plum Vinegar and raw tahini....yum :)
and then Nina said, "I really love these sea vegetables," as it was her first time buying seaweeds, which we had just rehydrated with water and added to the salad. So, our salad had pieces of lush green, deep plum and transluscence, and Nina was really groovin' on the whole experience, consciously connected to her food. These sea veges were breathing life force into both of us, and as soon as she said it, I knew it was time for my first blog.
So, Greetings of Bliss to All of You Out in BlogSpace!
I am excited to bring my visions to the cyber world.
And we are excited to turn y'all on to The Holistic Empire: "Where it's Not About the Accumulation of Wealth; It's About the Accumulation of Health!"
Peace, Love & High-Level Health,
Hope & Alan

1 comment:

Yoga Sherpa said...

Hope here's something I have been kicking around for a while in my head: What tastes most delicious to you? Don't think about it, just answer. I have asked myself that on various occassions and the answer has been consistent: WATER.