Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Move Your Exercise Outdoors

Today's Lovely Food:
No Breakfast - another run with my new Vibram Ten Fingers shoes

1 bag Living Nutz, 'I Love Vegan Cheezy Almonds!' germinated, marinated and dehydrated: almonds, pumpkin seeds, red pepper,olive oil, nama shoyu, fresh lemon juice, Celtic Sea Salt. I received a call from the wondeful Tommy K's letting me know that my reserved nuts had come in! I love Living Nutz; they have mastered the art of raw and happy.
1 wild berry smoothie with frozen cherries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries, with frozen banana, psyllium seed powder, cacao powder and nibs and agave; so so good!

32 ounces water

salad with romaine, daikon, carrot, sprouts, 1/2 avocado and cuke with dulse and nutritional yeast, with olive oil and Herbamare
leftover sunflower seed sundried tomato pate with cut up carrot sticks

Bowl of Organic Nectars chocolate hazelnut rawcream

Move your exercise outdoors. The gym can be wonderful, but moving our bodies in a way that complements our anatomy is so important to our health.
Our evolutionary heritage is to run through the forests; to use our limbs to move long distances. I remember when I lived in NYC years ago, I met a man who had just come back from a year in Thailand. Though he was American, he had spent the last year walking 18 miles a day to get to the local store. He was in his fifties, yet he had the body of a much younger man; I remember being struck by that.
Raw food has the capacity to renew collagen growth, but food alone does not allow our bodies to regenerate. We must find time to make real movement; running on dirt, pavement or sand, swimming in the ocean, lake or sound, dancing on a large plot of land. This is as much or greater a priority than any daily priority we have. We want to age gracefully and with major range of motion and strong bones and spines.
Here's a secret: Moving your anatomy more will increase movement in other areas of your lifes; movement is a metaphor for movement!
Some of my most powerful creative ideas and solutions come during my daily runs. I don't need to obsess or fret over a problem; I merely need to take a long run and the answers come.
What has moved forward in your life as a result of physical movement? Please write in and share your story.

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