Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I Don't Believe in Willpower

Today's Meals:

16 ounces of green juice with red chard and golden delicious apples

32 ounces lemon water

Various Foods spaced out over many hours:
handful of Brazil nuts (about 8)

12 ounces green juice with kale, parsley, celery, cuke, apple, ginger

5 raw "Foods Alive" Italian Zest flax crackers

salad with romaine, cabbage, carrot, sprouts, radish with dulse, nutritional yeast, olive oil and Herbamare

When we have cravings, we tend to question our "willpower." In fact, cravings have nothing to do with that word. Willpower is merely a word created to sabotage people's self-image. It has fit really well into the "forever dieting" industry. If I have no willpower, then I must need to be on a diet. Oops, I broke my diet; what's wrong with me? It's a flaw within me that I have no willpower. Time for another diet.
Guess what???? A response to cravings is due either to one or both of these states of being:
1. I am lonely, sad, hurt, tired, angry.....and food fills that uncomfortable place and quells the anxiety,
2. My blood sugar is off balance and is lowering or spiking my sugar. I may not know this physiologically, but that "thing" I call lack of willpower is actually my low blood sugar having me crave sugar. That's why I'm going crazy fantasizing about the cookies on the counter.
If you recognize the physiological signs of blood sugar imbalance, you can stop beating yourself up for not getting it right and having no willpower.
What's great for balancing low blood sugar?
Root vegetables; sweet potatoes, onion, daikon, radish, carrot, beets and squashes
Whole grains: millet, quinoa, brown rice, buckwheat, barley, amarinth, triticale
Try steaming some root veges and drizzling a little tahini and Bragg's over them, along with a nice bowl of grain with a little flax or olive oil poured over.
This soothing meal will correctly balance your blood sugar.
What about the emotional reasons?
See if you need a really good hug, a really good cry, a really good scream, a really good journal-writing session or a really good "put on the music as loud as possible and dance your ass off" session.
And throw out the word "Willpower" along with the foods you don't really want to eat.

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