Thursday, April 1, 2010

Be Patient with Raw and All Will Come...

Today's Food:
Raw Chocolate Morning Madness (High Energy Vibration) with coconut water, water, frozen banana, psyllium seed powder, flax seeds, almond butter, cacao powder and nibs and agave with alot of Revitaphi alkalizing superfood

Snack: 8 Brazil nuts

salad with romaine, collard greens, carrot, radish, mushrooms, sprouts, nutritional yeast and dulse with olive oil and sea salt

bowl of raw chocolate Hazelnut ice cream (Organic Nectars)

24 ounces water

I feel soooooo good! Raw food allows for so much energy in the body, because it keeps the molecular structure of the food intact so the 'frequency' is not being lowered (by processing or cooking). Our healthy cells awaken rather than fall asleep.
We live in a quick fix world: What is the latest diet and how can I lose ten pounds in two weeks? What surgery will get rid of this? Can I take a pill to feel better???? Please remember; raw food is not a diet or a quick fix; it is a comprehensive lifestyle that alters your perception of your reality :) as it fine tunes your body and your health. Hmmm, confused? Please know that some of the "results" of raw do not show up for a couple of years. In fact, it took me over two years to really feel that my energy was back to that of my childhood. But I will tell you this: I DO feel like that, and knowing that I can go out and run miles and miles in the cold and the heat, and then still be dancing at night, when once I was taking medication for underactive Thyroid and feeling depression, is quite a miracle. That I weighed 220 pounds at one point and now do not worry about my weight or even weigh myself is beautiful. It is the way we are supposed to feel. No nutritional lifestyle, in my personal and professional assessment, comes close to the possibilites and health benefits that the raw lifestyle enables. Remember how many years you have lived with an imbalance in your body, mind or spirit; please allow for some time to heal it. The possibilties are infinite.
Please write in with questions and comments.


Julie said...

I just have to share that I am drinking a super frothy, really delicious parsley, grapefruit smoothie -with blue green algae added for pizazz. This is my smoothie of choice lately....its clean, green, and refreshing!!

HolisticGirl said...

Julie, this sounds delicious!!! I am leaning towards shifting into those Springtime smoothies myself; maybe berries, cilantro and lime!