Monday, April 5, 2010

Let's Talk About Dairy

What did I Eat??

17 ounces Crazy Cacao elixir with raw cacao powder and nibs, fresh Thai coconut water and meat, psyllium seed powder, flax seeds, raw vanilla bean, raw crunchy almond butter, Revitaphi superfood alkalizer and agave

Sunflower sundried tomato pate with celery and carrots
1 Bosc pear

a few handfuls of raw cashews

A big bowl of Seaweed chowder soup (see yesterday's blog for that recipe); DELICIOUS!
Some herbed olives

3 bricks Two Moms in the Raw goji berry granola

24 ounces of water

Did you know that often, when a child (or adult) with asthma is taken off dairy, the asthma disappears? Dairy is both an "acid" food, on the Acid-Alkaline connection, as well as a muccus and phlegm producing food. Because we actually do not have the enzymes to digest cow's milk (not only those who are lactose intolerant; everyone), it creates an acid environment in the body with associated health symptoms. When we cannot effectively digest something (physically or emotionally), it "clogs" us up and produces symptoms. Dairy is really the largest culprit of that. Symptoms that have been associated with high dairy consumption are: Muccus and phlegm; respiratory issues, including asthma; arthritis and bone degeneration...What?? you may say, but it's dairy. It has calcium. Yes, it does, but if we are unable to assimilate the calcium, it does not serve us. The statistics show that the countries with the highest dairy consumption have the highest rates of osteoporosis! If it creates an acid environmant, then the body looks to alkalize. Calcium is a great alkalizer, so the body leaches calcium from the bones. OK, back to symptoms and illness associated with dairy; breast cancer and prostate cancer.
What can I do in place of milk and for my children? Either buy almond, rice or hemp milk, or make fresh nutmilk; once you do that, you'll never go back.
raw almonds, cashews or Brazil nuts (not roasted; no additives)
in an open bowl of water, soak a bunch of nuts overnight.
In the morning, drain, rinse and dry. You can put the bulk back in the fridge in a container and they will last about 1 1/2 weeks.
Now you've soaked the nuts and they are a "living" food. The enzymes have been released to help with digestion. Nuts are super high in protein; almonds in calcium.
In a blender, take a handful of nuts. Add 1/2 blender of water. Blend and see it turn into a white milk! Now you can add either agave sweetener, honey or a couple of dates. You can even add Stevia as a sweetener, and some vanilla extract. For a different flavor, toss in a banana. Your kids (and you) will love it!
Just go nuts...

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