Friday, April 13, 2012

5 Girls Juicing Day 4 Juice Feast

Good Morning World!
I am excited to be alive.
Yesterday's Juicing:
1 1/2 quarts of romaine lettuce, celery, cabbage, cilantro, coconut oil, nori seaweed shake, cayenne, tumeric, tandoori masala spice, Himalaya sea salt
2 quarts of mango, carrot, apple and celery with mesquite powder and shilajit powder - with water
Total 3 1/2 quarts
30 tabs of chlorella

Well, the juicing is going great. I am experiencing the feeling of being in another world; the world of transformation. I am here but also a little outside of myself.
Yesterday I ran 2.1 miles. Just so you get an idea, my typical morning runs are 3.2 miles with lots of energy. Right before the feast I ran 4 miles with ease. Now I am running 2.1 miles with fatigue and muscle ache the whole way; it's fantastic!
Ok, so you might think I'm nuts for saying that, but really, I am so powerfully in my experience. I spent years in my earlier life battling and suffering over changes, and thinking things like, "Why is this happening?", or "how could I be feeling like this today when yesterday I was able to...". It wasn't until I was fully able to embrace my body (physically, emotionally, energetically and spiritually) on all levels and receive its messages as gifts, that I had a major shift.
Is it hard to run all achy and tired? yes...
Would I love to be whipping up and down the hills? sure...
but Really? No, not really, because I am filled with gratitude for every minute of this cleansing process. I am grateful that I can still get out the door and shuffle a couple of miles in the sunshine by the water and that my body is receiving exactly what it needs.
I love myself and honor this body and psyche that I live within.
This life that we are given is a fantastic journey of self development, and the most powerful part is to look at our own accountability in our lives and stop blaming the world. We get to witness our own self-development! We get to be pioneers and choose our lives every day, no matter what the circumstances. We get to decide how we will walk through each day and how we will be with every single moment. And, we also get to see our own humanity and allow for gentleness and love. To me, that's as powerful as it gets!
By the way, the enemas are still feeling really vulnerable and depleting, and I'm just staying with them.
Wishing you all a magical day of your own!

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