Monday, April 16, 2012

5 Girls Juicing Days 6 & 7 Juice Feast - one week!

Good Morning!
Juicing and cleansing over the weekend:
1 quart: cucumber, red chard, navel orange, coconut oil and water
1 teaspoon delicious honey
2 quarts: chia "milk" with honey, coconut oil, mesquite, shilajit, vanilla bean powder and water
2 teaspoons honey with chlorella tabs - YUM!
30 tabs chlorella
1 quart: cucumber, red chard, navel orange, coconut oil and water
12 teaspoons bee pollen!
Total: 1 gallon

1 1/2 quarts: celery, beet greens, dandelion greens, apple, coconut oil, cayenne and water
1 quart: mustard greens, dill, carrot, cabbage, lime, coconut oil, cayenne, Himalayan sea salt
3 tablespoons bee pollen
sauna 35 minutes
25 tabs chlorella
Total: 2 1/2 quarts

I felt a major shift yesterday. My energy was so high level and I felt really powerful! Today, too, I am feeling full of life force. It's a physical/cellular feeling coursing through me, so it will be interesting to see how my muscles are doing in comparison when I go running tomorrow. I feel like my muscles are kind of separate from this energy, and one does not necessarily reflect the other. My energy reflects a body cleaning by letting go of digestive energy and even more so,  an energy connected to the frequency of eating all juiced organic plant-based food. When I was 100% raw, I used to feel that feeling after a complex raw meal. As for running, I've taken a couple of days off to rest and honor my body's message. I do know that the achy muscle detox feeling I had early last week only lasted for two to three days.
I am incredibly grateful for this "rest to digest," as I call it. Giving my digestive system a break feels so right. I can see myself, after completing the juice feast, juicing one day a week going forward. It's something I've thought about the last few years but haven't yet tried.
It's amazing. I am not hungry at all. Once I drink, I am sated. My only food cravings are emotional; when something else is going on that is bringing up emotion or intensity, I might suddenly feel a pull to eat solid food and have one of those, "I don't know why I'm doing this juicing" moments. But once it passes, which it does pretty quickly if I let it just move through and acknowledge it, I am fine and re-remember all the reasons for my juice feasting.
Saturday was amazing, being with some of the "5 Girls." Earlier in the day, Karita came over and I turned her onto the honey. When I brought my chlorella tabs out, she took a teaspoon of honey and put two tabs in it; voila! we have a new snack! Irina brought bee pollen, so we all indulged in that. I ended up having six teaspoons of honey and 12 teaspoons of bee pollen! It was fabulous. Everyone seems to be doing great and there's alot of gratitude happening. It was meaningful to share our lives with one another.
I feel so blessed to be in this community. I go on our Facebook page multiple times during the day just to feel the energy of everyone participating in their own way. I even feel the energy of those who are watching and juicing from the sidelines; you make a difference! I see it spreading and spreading, expanding farther and farther and I envision us connected to people juicing all over the world. If each person just brings one juice a day into their life, transformation will take place upon the planet in our relationship to our bodies, to one another, to our environment and to the world. So be it.

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