Saturday, April 21, 2012

5 Girls Juicing Week 2 Days 10 - 13 Juice Feast

Hello World,

Day 10:
1 teaspoon bee pollen
1 teaspoon honey
2 quarts beet, oranges, mustard and dandelion greens
1 teaspoon bee pollen
25 tabs chlorella
1 teaspoon honey
3 teaspoons bee pollen
30 minute sauna
8 oz. water with lemon
Total: 2 quarts

Day 11:
16 oz. lemon water
1 teaspoon honey
1 quart chard, celery, golden delicious apples, parsley and coconut oil
2 teaspoons bee pollen
Exercise: rebounded 15 minutes
3 teaspoons bee pollen
1 teaspoon honey
1 quart chard, celery, golden delicious apples, parsley and coconut oil
1 teaspoon bee pollen
Total: 2 quarts

Day 12:
1 teaspoon bee pollen
1 teaspoon honey
16 oz. parsley, cuke, beet and carrot with ginger
2 teaspoons bee pollen
30 tabs chlorella
2 teaspoons bee pollen
8 oz. strawberries, grapefruits, orange, beet greens, red chard and mesquite powder
1 quart chard, celery, golden delicious apples, parsley, coconut oil
Total: 1 quart 24 oz.

Day 13 Today:
Exercise: Ran 2.1 miles
2  1/2 quarts chia "milk" with mesquite, shilajit and vanilla bean powders, with 3 teaspoons honey
2 teaspoons bee pollen
1 teaspoon honey
2 teaspoons bee pollen
2  1/2 hour nap
18 oz. broccoli, celery, apple, lime, fennel, dandelion greens, carrots, ginger, cuke and zucchini, mixed with strawberries, grapefruits, orange, beet greens, red chard and mesquite powder
1 teaspoon bee pollen
1 teaspoon honey
Total: 3 quarts 2 oz.

Whew! This is the most fantastic ride of my life! The ups are exuberant; the downs are deep. Today I ran for the first time in eight days. When I awoke and saw that it was sunny and beautiful, and rain had been predicted, I felt it was a gift and sign that today was my day to run. I didn't look at speed or even think about it; just got out the door and ran by the water for a couple of miles. I was actually in a "zone," feeling kind of surreal and dreamy. Of course, that got me a tiny bit worried, as I thought, "Am I physically OK? I don't want to be too detached." I trusted my body and my intuition. Towards the end, I began to feel the fatigue in my body, so I kept repeating, "Look at how far I ran. I did it!" as if I had completed my run already. This helped me tremendously. When I finished, I was wiped! Then I went into some sort of new zone and was completely spaced out as well as being tired. Karita came over for a couple of hours and we shared some juice and conversation, comparing our personal experiences of juice feasting over the past week. I felt totally ungrounded, filled with anxiety and a little unstable and unsure of my wellbeing; I guess I could call it feeling "fragile." The funniest thing actually shifted my energy. Karita got up and accidentally tipped over her glass jar of plum-colored juice, and it all spilled onto my living room carpet! Believe it or not, the act of cleaning the carpet and focusing on something outside of myself cleared my brain and grounded my body. I thanked Karita for spilling her juice, and we decided that now even my carpet was juice feasting! This does remind me that when we are focusing on something beside ourselves we heal most profoundly; like giving service to another or being there for a friend or loved one; this takes us out of our own stuff and into gratitude. It also reminds me of being a rebellious teenager and smoking pot with my friends. When I would get a little too stoned, only something completely outrageous like that could pull me back down; like one of our parents knocking on our bedroom door! I actually thought that my body might be going back that far to do its core healing.
The last few days were the hardest of my juice feast. There is still no physical hunger. In fact, I am decreasing my juices and just honoring the amount my body tells me. At night, I feel a need to stop entirely and allow my body to start detoxing even before sleep. There are slight feelings of gas in the evening, which let me know my body wants rest. What is most difficult is the emotional hunger and the "raw-ness" of my emotions. As I was moving through a couple of trying things that were going on for me this week, I so wanted to be cradled in food. Whatever I was missing; whatever I was struggling with made me long to be embraced, held and loved by the food. I think it was Fat Cat pizza I kept imagining eating. Fat Cat Pie Company is a restaurant that makes organic crust pizza with farm-sourced veges. The thought of it kept calling to me.
Day 10 was the hardest, in that I felt "bottomed out" emotionally. The whole day, I wanted to crawl under the sheets and sleep the day away, being able to validate it by the fact that I am juice feasting and need extra rest. What did I do? I took my day moment-by-moment, renewing the contract to sleep after each counseling session or task I was doing, and that is how my day progressed. At some point later in the day, I decided to clean out a cabinet where I have been accumulating papers for many years, as my vision this year is to clear out all my drawers that have been gathering for years and shift what remains into a file cabinet. So, on the worst day of the feast, I cleared out this entire cabinet and threw away three bags of my old life, including emails from past relationships, performance reviews from so many years ago, before I had gone into counseling and was still in the corporate world, and a myriad of other previously meaningful papers from my past. What a purge! I felt energized and light after doing this. It was a feeling of letting go of who others thought I was and reconnecting with who I am now. It was melancholy and beautiful, affirming my choices and validating me far more than the day of sleep might have. When I went to bed, I realized I made it through the day more powerfully than I could ever have anticipated. This being said, I am also being super gentle with the myriad of intense emotions coming up for me, and the wax and wane of my energies. There is no doubt that I am in the process of transformation. 

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