Saturday, April 14, 2012

5 Girls Juicing Day 5 Juice Feast

Good Morning World!
I am done with enemas for awhile. I decided to see how it would be if I did it in the morning rather than at night. My body is definitely telling me it is not aligned or necessary for me right now...maybe in a week. Five was plenty!

Yesterday's juicing:
2 quarts: 1/4 cup chia seeds soaked overnight, in Vitamix filled with water and chia water, 1/2 apple, scoop of mesquite powder, 1/4 teaspon shilajit powder, 1 teaspoon unheated, raw honey and vanilla powder
1  1/4 quarts: dandelion greens, celery, beet and coconut water
Total: 3 1/4 quarts
30 tabs of chlorella

Orthorexia :) I learned about that when I went was in school becoming a health counselor. It's when we become so rigid in our health that it becomes obsessive; we constrict, rather than expand.
We want to get it "just perfect," but we zap the joy and life force out of ourselves this way.
No need to be the perfect girl, here; just have fun, observe and honor the body as a temple.
So, I decided to have "chia milk" in the Vitamix, but hadn't really thought it through.
I tossed in 1/2 apple, thinking I would juice the mix. Then when I blended it up and started juicing, I said, "What am I doing?...That defeats the whole point of having the chias, which are so packed with energy and protein.. Then I was like, "But I have to juice it, 'cause there's half an apple in there, and I don't want the fiber." And it was like, "Why did I put the apple in and not think about it?" Then it became, "I wonder if other juice feasters juice the chia when having it?" I actually stood in my kitchen with all these punitive and perfection questions of "getting it right" running through my head = orthorexia! Then, the observer in me finally saw what I was doing and laughed with compassion. I shifted into, "What do you know for sure and what is your body telling you?" The answer was immediate: This is a perfect batch of high-level blended chia mik; ENJOY! And I did, and it was amazing, especially with the mesquite and honey.
I got some even more extraordinary honey last night and am looking forward to trying it. I've been eyeing this honey for a few months in Whole Foods. It's Wedderspoon 100% raw organic Beechwood honey from New Zealand. It's extracted by the bees from the Beechwood trees and contains oligosaccharides, and is known to multiply friendly bacteria in the stomach, good for digestive and intestinal flora; perfect!
I spent three hours in the afternoon on the beach with a dear friend talking and sunning, and today, I am so excited that the "5 Girls Juicing" will be together on the beach sharing about our first week of juice feasting! Sun is my eleixir. I might rebound this morning but my body is clear that it's not going running.
Last night was a fascinating experience around juicing and cravings.
I decided that I was full/content and had no desire to drink my last quart of juice, though I had made it and it looked good. I was also experiencing a little bit of gas, so my body was telling me to rest and not consume. On my way to do errands, I started missing food! I had a whole conversation going on in my head, and it went like this: "Exactly why am I juice feasting? What's the purpose? What a ridiculous idea to set myself up in building a community that keeps me too accountable for thirty day of this stuff! What would be wrong with eating food? I could achieve the same thing with what I know about clean eating. I really want to eat something yummy and feel the sensation." The wild part was that before this conversation began I was not hungry at all. In fact, I wasn't hungry during the conversation; it was my emotions talking. I wanted to be filled up, loved up and made love to by food! Of course, counseling on this every day, I know that food is only the metaphor for what I'm wanting in my soul.
Eventually, as I just sat with the experience as both the participant and the observer, it shifted, and what came in after that was that my life is amazing and perfect as it is. All the gratitude flooded back.
I have to say, I did practice some DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) by replacing the longing thoughts as they occurred.
I crawled into bed and read a captivating book, that filled me with all the parts for which I was longing.
This morning, when I awoke, I felt wonderful.
What a journey this is....
Please write in with comments on your own longings  and juicing journies...

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