Wednesday, April 18, 2012

5 Girls Juicing Week 2 Days 8 & 9 Juice Feast

Hello World!
Juicing Menu:
1/2 quart celery, beet and dandelion greens, apple, coconut oil and cayenne
1 teaspoon bee pollen
1 teaspoon bee pollen
2  1/2 pints mustard greens, dill, carrot, cabbage, lime, coconut oil, cayenne, Himalayan sea salt
1 teaspoon honey
1 quart plus 2  1/2 pints beet, celery, carrot, avocado, dandelion greens, cilantro, with cayenne and Himalayan sea salt
2 teaspoons bee pollen
Total: 2 quarts, 24 oz. juice

1 quart apple, orange, carrot, cucumber with coconut oil
1 teaspoon bee pollen
15 minutes energized rebounding
1 quart apple, orange, carrot, cucumber with coconut oil
1 teaspoon bee pollen
2 quarts mustard and dandelion greens, beets and orange with coconut oil
Total: 1 gallon

Whoo hoo! I rebounded yesterday, rather than run, for the first time in awhile, and my energy was really high! I did 15 minutes on the rebounder to start (mini trampoline, also know as a lymphosizer), not my usual 25, as I wanted to see where my body was at. My energy was soaring and my jumping so concentrated. I was really focused and exhilirated with powerful breathing.
So, I do think there is a difference between the muscles detoxing and the energy flowing. We can be going through skeletal detox and fatigue, when the digestive energy is now being put towards the organ system and blood, while still soaring from our energy centers. I found that walking up two set of long stairs at the library winds me in my muscles and climbing ability, but I could probably powerfully rebound for 45 minutes straight with a whole routine. Interesting, these bodies of ours!
How did I eat 6 teaspoons of honey on Saturday? I must have really needed its nutrients, as now, eating just 1 (ok, maybe 2 :) is so intense, thick and sweet that I couldn't imagine going further. I do have to share something amazing, though; this Wedderspoon honey is chewable. It is so "live" and thick that I am actually chewing it! I have never experienced that before. Maybe it's because I am juice feasting, so I ask some of you to buy some and try it. Let me know what your experience is.
Yes, I did learn that when drinking as much juice as I am to always combine my mustard greens with extra fruit or they are way too intensely strong for me right now!
Yesterday was such a gift for me. I got to have a session with my client on the beach. What a way to counsel. The expansion that occurs for each of us in our process is profound. Just pair the sun, sky,water, air and trees with the opening of the body and soul and you get it. I used to say that I felt psychotherapy should be paired with massage therapy; if first the person received a massage, their somatic self would be completely open to expand to a higher level of consciousness in therapy. The beach counseling is similar. If you counsel from a holistic bent, there are many tools one can use therapeutically with a client; hiking, drumming, singing, drawing and much more to expand the psyche. This simultaneously expands the consciousness of the therapist as well. On another note, there were children swimming in the water, so I guess it's warm already! The sun on my face was a wonderful support to my juicing. I'm sure my body can absorb the vitamin D on a much higher level with a clear digestive system.
I also find that I am filled with a tremendous amount of love for humanity and for those in my inner circle. I feel no different than anyone else; their strengths are mine and their fragilities mine as well. I feel deep compassion for each person's journey.
I want to end this post with quoting Jane Fonda, who at 74, is one of the most extraordinary women around. She says: "Get to know your enemies, and always be willing to listen to them," and also, "Make friends with your fear." Thank you, Jane, for being a role model for our highest potential.

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